Now you’ve been through the Learning Path, but you’re not finished yet. By now you should:  

  • Have an understanding of what causes stress and how to work with motivation and well-being
  • Have insight into the neurochemistry behind stress
  • Knowledge about how to avoid stress.

Finalize this Learning Path by taking this quiz. 

Cortisol is the most dangerous hormone when it comes to stress. A high level of cortisol can be life-threatening. In this blog post you’ll learn about what triggers cortisol and the effects it has on the body.



The hormone Adrenaline plays a major role to the body’s ‘fight-or-flight’ reaction. It enhances focus so we can think sharply and act quickly if we are in danger. However, having too much Adrenaline in your body over a longer period is exhausting. In this blog post you’ll get an understanding of how Adrenaline works, and why you should balance peak periods.


Hippocampus and Amygdala are two areas of our brain, with a great deal of influence onto who we are, and how we cope with pressure, fear, and stress. In this blog post you’ll learn about the function of Hippocampus and Amygdala and which symptoms that indicate damages to these two areas of the brain.


To be able to avoid stress in your organization, it’s important to know which factors that create a good workplace, and which factors that causes stress. In this blog post you’ll get an introduction to the 4 factors that need to be in place to create motivation and well-being at work, and 4 factors that may cause stress.