Why Purpose Matters

We have made this Learning Path, so that leaders and potential leaders, can get an understanding of why it’s important to work with purpose and how they can do it.

Once you’ve finished this Learning Path, you’ve got:

  • An understanding of why it’s important to work with purpose and the WHY in an organization.
  • Courage to ask your customers and your employees if you create value.
  • Concrete tools that help you find your organization’s and your teams’ WHY e.g. impact stories (We, So, Can).
Part 1: Why purpose?

Part 1: Why purpose?

This blog post gives you a basic understanding of why it’s important to know your organization’s WHY, and how you break it down into concrete activities that support the purpose.


Part 2: The balance between profit and purpose

Part 2: The balance between profit and purpose

This podcast (in Danish), discusses the opportunities and challenges of balancing profit and purpose, and why both aspects still needs to be in focus.

[powerpress url =https://media.blubrry.com/fremtidensledelse/content.blubrry.com/fremtidensledelse/FL1_Balancen_mellem_management_og_leadership_People_planet_og_profit.mp3]


Part 3: Do you dare to ask if you create value?

Part 3: Do you dare to ask if you create value?

Knowing that you create value as a leader and an organization is a good feeling. Not knowing, can be dangerous. In this blog post you’ll learn about why it’s important to know if you create value for both customers and employees, and what the consequences of not knowing can be. You will get some concrete tips on how to initiate Feedback Loops.


If you are unsure about your purpose and which value you create, try diving into this tool to create your organization’s why.


Part 4: Impact stories – From products to problems

Part 4: Impact stories – From products to problems

Understanding why you go to work every day is essential for keeping up motivation. Creating impact stories is a way to ensure that everybody knows and understands why. Impact stories can be used on both organizational, team and individual level.

In this blog post you’ll learn how to create an Impact Story that makes it clear;

  • What problem you solve,
  • for whom you solve it,
  • and what value you’re creating.


Quiz: Why purpose matters

Quiz: Why purpose matters

Before you’re finished with this Learning Path, we recommend you take this short quiz. After answering the questions you’ll have:

  • an understanding of why it is important to work with purpose and the WHY
  • an understanding of how to balance purpose and profit
  • an overview of some concrete tools that help you find your organization’s and your teams WHY.

Finalize this Learning Path by taking this quiz:

Book recommendations

Congratulation, you’ve finished the Learning Path on why purpose matters. If the topic caught your attention, we recommend the following for you to dive deeper into the topic:

Simon Sinek: ”Start with why” and ”Leaders eat last” ​

Simon Sinek, David Mead , et al: “Find your why”

Deloitte, paper: 2019 Global Human Capital Trends

Morten Albæk: “Ét liv Én tid Ét menneske

Daniel Pink: ”Drive – The surprising truth about what motivates people

You can also try another Learning Path to broaden your horizon.

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