Leading Across Generations

Understanding the typical mindset and behavior of the different generations, can help you bring people together and create organizations, where people at all ages want to show up.

Once you’ve finished this Learning Path, you’ve got:

  • The ability to point out typical characteristics for Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (Millennials) and Generation Z.
  • An understanding of why generational characteristics always need to be seen in relation to the individual you’re leading.
  • An understanding of why you need to be aware of the differences between digital native and digital foreigners and how to deal with it.
Part 1: How to understand Intergenerational Leadership – an overview of four generations

Part 1: How to understand Intergenerational Leadership – an overview of four generations

In this blog post you’ill be introduced to the 4 different generations; Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z. You’ll learn about the mindset and behavior that is identified for each generation.

Part 2: How to lead across generations?

Part 2: How to lead across generations?

This blog post explains why it’s important to distinguish between age effect, cohort effect and periodic effect. You’ll also get three advices on what to focus on when leading different generations at work.


Part 3:  Leading digital natives and digital foreigners

Part 3: Leading digital natives and digital foreigners

Another way to divide your employees into groups is by distinguishing between digital natives and digital foreigners. In this podcast (in Danish), you’ll learn about the implications of leading these two groups at the same time, and what you should be aware of to succeed in your mission of embracing them both.

[powerpress url =https://media.blubrry.com/fremtidensledelse/content.blubrry.com/fremtidensledelse/FL20_HVordan_leder_du_flere_generationer.mp3]

Part 4: Leading multiple generations

Part 4: Leading multiple generations

In this podcast (in Danish), Alexandra Krautwald talks about how to lead youngsters and what we can expect of their future leadership. You can also hear why she thinks it’s important that leaders understand the characteristics of the time period when their employees grew up.

[powerpress url =https://media.blubrry.com/fremtidensledelse/content.blubrry.com/fremtidensledelse/FL20_HVordan_leder_du_flere_generationer.mp3]

Quiz: Leading Across Generations

Quiz: Leading Across Generations

Before you’re finished with this Learning Path, we recommend you take this short quiz. After answering the questions you’ll:

  • Be able to point out typical generational characteristics.
  • Have an understanding of why generational characteristics always needs to be seen in relation to the individual you are leading.
  • Know why you need to be aware of the differences between digital native and digital foreigners and how you can deal with it.

Finalize this Learning Path by taking this quiz:

Learn more

Congratulation, you’ve finished the Learning Path on how to lead different generations. If the topic caught your attention, we recommend the following for you to dive deeper in the topic:

Kenneth Mikkelsen: The Neo Generalist
Fremtidens Ledelse to-go, Episode 19: De digitale indfødte med Søren Schultz Hansen
Distributed Leadership – When youngsters lead youngsters

You can also try another Learning Path to broaden your horizon.

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